DeepLabCut 3.0 - PyTorch Model Architectures#


You can see a list of supported architectures/variants by using:

from deeplabcut.pose_estimation_pytorch import available_models

You can see a list of supported object detection architectures/variants by using:

from deeplabcut.pose_estimation_pytorch import available_detectors

Neural Networks Architectures#

Several architectures are currently implemented in DeepLabCut PyTorch (more will come, and you can add more easily in our new model registry).








Information on Single Animal Models#

Single-animal models are composed of a backbone (encoder) and a head (decoder) predicting the position of keypoints. The default head contains a single deconvolutional layer. To create the single animal model composed of a backbone and head, you can call deeplabcut.create_training_dataset with net_type set to the backbone name (e.g. resnet_50 or hrnet_w32).

If you want to add a second deconvolutional layer (which will make your model slower, but it might improve performance), you can simply edit your pytorch_config.yaml file.

Of course, any multi-animal model can also be used for single-animal projects!

Information on Multi-Animal Models#

Backbones with Part-Affinity Fields#

As in DeepLabCut 2.X, the base multi-animal model is composed of a backbone (encoder) and a head predicting keypoints and part-affinity fields (PAFs). These PAFs are used to assemble keypoints for individuals.

Passing a backbone as a net type (e.g., resnet_50, hrnet_w32) for a multi-animal project will create a model consisting of a backbone and a heatmap + PAF head.

Top-Down Models#

Top-down pose estimation models split the task into two distinct parts: individual localization (through an object detector), followed by pose estimation (for each individual). As localization of individuals is handled by the detector, this simplifies the pose task to single-animal pose estimation!

Hence any single-animal model can be transformed into a top-down, multi-animal model. To do so, simply prefix top_down to your single-animal model name. Currently, the following detectors are available: ssdlite, fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_fpn, fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2. Other variants will be added soon!

The pose model for top-down nets is simply the backbone followed by a single convolution for pose estimation. It’s also possible to add deconvolutional layers to top-down model heads.

Example top-down models would be top_down_resnet_50 and top_down_hrnet_w32.